Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Its good Enough!... Right??

Its good Enough!!!... Right?

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is a dirty house, what if someone knocks on the door in the middle of day?? I can't really hide in the other room with a child making noise, the dog barking, music running, and my CAR in the driveway. Its a dead giveaway that your home, your just not coming to the door and I'll admit it.. I've told people "oh was that you, I just got out of the shower!"
When I first became a stay at home mom and my baby was a baby, it was easy to spend the day cleaning and keep it clean! Now that my baby is a running and exploring tot its not so easy (and I only have 1 so I can imagine you moms with 1+)
My house is generally clean, dishes, laundry, bathrooms clean (enough), but I have begun to purge! I think one of the hardest things to do is keep things clean when there isn't a space for everything. When its all a mess and cluttered its harder to clean.
Here's my rule, if you haven't used it... you won't miss it! Donate, sell it, purge it! I have along way to go before my home is perfectly organized but I am working on it! Here are some helpful ways to get organized!

And at some point I will be able to say Its good enough! :)

In the words of Henry David Thoreau, Simplify, Simplify. Here are the Get Organized Now! Top 10 ways to organize and simplify your life.

1. Find a place for every item. One reason things pile up on counters, tables, and floors is that they have no "home." "Make sure everything lives somewhere," says Sharon Lowenheim, a professional organizer in New York City.

2. Dump duplicates. Why have two nonstick spatulas when one is enough? Why have six hairbrushes or 17 coffee mugs? Lowenheim says that throwing out duplicates is one of the easiest ways to quell clutter. Her simple rule: One in, one out. "Anytime you get something new, get rid of something like it that is old," she says. Or, as Robertson puts it, "Before you bring home that big new flat-screen TV, figure out what you're going to do with the TV you already have."

3. Beware nostalgia. If you're a doting parent, it's not easy to discard a child's creation, whether it's pastel drawings from the second grade or that cooler-sized medieval castle

4. Stick to a schedule. Some spaces, like kitchen counters, need daily de-cluttering. Others can be tackled weekly or monthly

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