Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween! One of the biggest beliefs as a mother is that holidays should be made special for your children. I'm not saying that everything needs to be over the top but its about small little things that make your child feel special around the the event.  Growing up I didn't always feel special around events, I always felt like they were a lot of work for my parents.
That's why I try to make events feel fun and effortless for my child, even if they are a lot of work, money, time and effort I do it because I want her to have the memories and traditions that she can lok back to her childhood with smiles and good thoughts.

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to make events feel special is do to some cheap decorations.. my daughter and I have been decorating construction paper leaves, pumpkins, trees, apples and scarecrow they are hung up all of our home to showcase her art work and get her into the season fun! There are so many websites that have toddler crafts that are simple and easy to do some of the better ones are enchanted learning and DLTK kids. These specific pumpkins pictured below are 5 little pumpkins, its a huge little rhyme that goes with it..

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
the first one said "Oh my its getting late"
the second one said "There are witches in the air"
the third one said "But we don't care"
the fourth one said "Let's run and run and run"
the fifth one said "I'm ready for some fun"
 OOOhhh went the wind and out went the lights..
and the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

There are hand movements to go along with this that teach your child a number of things like counting, sequencing and more. Also there are a number of sites that you can print the book and color it to add to the fun.
My daughter and I also made cupcakes, which I also did to the theme of Five Little Pumpkins because she is absolutely in love with it! There are usually a number of free halloween events that you can find to do with your child. At the local community center, town events, and more. Sometimes if you checkout the Parks and Recreation website for your town you can find a number of them.

The best part of Halloween was seeing my daughter go up to the houses and say in her newly learned phrase "Trick or Treat" and than say Thank You and Bye without prompting. She absolutly loved running around and seeing all of the other kids. Mental Picture added to my library of happy thoughts.

These are such important times for kids, benchmarks if you will. I know bigger things are yet to come like first day of school, plays, graduations, and such but I think that not only these events add to happy childhood memories but also that time when they were a child and dad dressed up like the hulk to go trick or treating with his little girl.

First time mom lesson learned is that putting to much pressure on these events makes them stressful! when your working with kids of any age things are not always going to go by plan, sometiems they won't want to wear that costume, or dress up the way you want them to, sometimes they will have a fit in the middle of the event, sometimes everything will go wrong but if you can learn to laugh at those moments and stay calm the event won't be ruined it'll just go off a little big differently and that's okay, not everything needs to be perfect (I said that for your benefit as much as for my own :) )

Another day in the life of Mommy!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Welcome to the first post of what I hope to be many of Job Title Mommy! I hope to use this blog to share my story as a mother with you, by no means do I mean to give advice but if someone can take something meaningful from the stories and ideas I share how great would that be.

I am a stay at home mother to a child of one, hopefully to be many some day (smiling). I started my journey as a mother on rocky ground (that's a whole other story which I will share someday). Now, still a beginner I am two years in as a stay at home mother, the hardest job I think a person can have. Not tooting my own horn.

I started out with this ideal of what becoming a mother would be like, the "perfectness" of what my new little family would be like. How I would be the modern day June Clever, and everything about my household and home would be perfect... an idea I quickly abandoned! Not to say that my family isn't perfect, they are perfect to me, but our household isn't always clean, my daughter sometimes eats junk food and watches too many cartoons and I sometimes cook already prepared meals. But along the way I've learned to pick my battles, and not sweat the small stuff.

This is my journey....I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have living it!